Saturday, 30 September 2017

How to Paint Female Skin

So how DO you paint female skin? Well, that's what this video is for, to show you how I paint female skin and hopefully give you some ideas for how you can approach it. 

This is essentially a how to guide on how to paint female skin. A miniature painting tutorial created by a miniature painter for miniature painters.

You might think there's no difference between painting male and female skin, but there's a lot of subtle differences between the two. Enough to warrant using a different approach when painting female skin.

Shadows should be more subtle, highlights softer and more care given to colour choice. 

If you find painting female skin on miniatures tricky, give the video a watch, you might pick up a few tips you can use to improve your own miniature painting.

How am I doing with the SEO? Do you think I should say miniature painting or female skin or few more times? ;)